Jul 6, 2022

Complete Production Demo of Get Away using EmVoice Keela

EmVoice created another artificial voice called Keela, and I must say it is quite impressive! Of course it still requires lots of work to let it sound more human, but not as much as the previous voices. I've only completed short demo projects with any of the EmVoice vocal synths up to now, as I find it too intensive to create a full length track that requires the constant tweaking of the voices. There is no control over expression for example, so I can't see that it can ever compete with a real human. Who would ever want to trade anything for a real human voice anyway? Never the less, these guys are getting better with every new voice they create and it is remarkable what they have achieved, keep an eye out for them. For this demo I have a finger picking acoustic guitar with soft strings and a cello emphasizing the song's mood, sad of course. Here is the result: 
EmVoice Keela - Get Away

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