Feb 26, 2023

In production with Jacqueline Tolken


Late in 2022 I was contacted by Song For You, and ended up working on a track written by the owner: Adéle Tolken. You can see detail of that post here and here. In that post, I mentioned that Adéle said she is also working with her sister, Jacqueline Tolken to perform vocals for Song For You. I remember when Adéle spoke to me initially and talked about Jacqueline, that coincidently a few weeks before, I've discovered Jacqueline on Sound Cloud. After listening to some of her performances there, I actually messaged her at the time and shared how I loved the soul in her voice. And here we are now from an unrelated event, working together! Maybe it's more than coincidence that we are all connected now, the music universe seems mysterious sometimes.
So, the track that I worked on for Adéle, recently had the vocals performed by Jacqueline for Song For You, and it is filled with that blues vibe I found on her Sound Cloud profile.
Jacqueline is a seasoned artists with lots of experience and skill, and her vocal performance becomes one with the music. This is the kind of person that really makes producing for me worth while. I can't wait to get going again on this production.
But don't listen to me getting all hyped up, go check her out for yourself: Jacqueline Tolken

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