Dec 7, 2022

Starting production for Attentive Hearts [Cancelled]


[EDIT JAN 15 2023: After multiple recordings and mixing sessions, this project was cancelled just after the 6th edition of the music, with more than 60 work hours down the drain. The employer had multiple parties involved that could not agree between themselves, which left me in the line of fire. Clearly "unlimited revisions" as a requirement was a bad sign, and a first for me. The music and lyrics belong to this studio, and will be repurposed for a new artist who knows what they want]

I've been listing my production services commercially on Airgigs recently, and got chosen to start working on the first song for an album of 10 tracks, for The Attentive Hearts Project ( I'm humbled to have found that they were quite impressed with what I do, the way I do it and of course the end result.

Basically, Attentive Hearts is a non profit charity that trains and coordinate volunteers as emotional support givers, to the weakest members of the community. They also are in dire need of financial support, and you can donate here:

I am so excited to add value to what they do, using music as a medium! Please go and check out their web site and see for yourself the wonderful work they do.

Production Archive