Oct 9, 2022

Completed production for Lovefire for Alexandra


Quite a while ago, after successfully completing Worry Not with Alexandra, we decided to work together once more on the next track for her. I really loved her vocals and I believe she is such an underrated artist. Even her accent gives the music a distinct character.

So we started work on LoveFire, a deep slow and soulful ballad. I created the music, lyrics and melody and a while later shared it with Alexandra. And right away she started working hard on the vocals and delivered it right on time, her commitment has always been on par.

But then at some point - with world events out of our control, we started having trouble to communicate and finish the production in full. We actually only had a few administration tasks left while we struggled on since April 2021, when the song was already completed 99%.

However, over time we continued to try to get in touch and managed to make some, albeit little contact. I got the kind blessings of Alexandra to host the song on my profile until she is able to continue with a normal life again. I pray for that day to be soon.

Here it is, waiting for you to hear it since April 2021 - the one and only Alexandra performing her song for you to enjoy, at her very best: Lovefire

  • Performance: Alexandra Esakova
  • Music, lyrics and melody: Sonic Dreamer Studio
  • Artwork: Shanx

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