May 1, 2022

Produced demo Lost It All with EmVoice Lucy


I was in the mood to create a short demo again using the synth Lucy vocals from EmVoice. And to fit with these times, the theme just had to be about war. I wanted to make the melody and message simple, as you can paint a pretty picture with words - and this subject should not be so.

I always challenge myself to get Lucy to sound really like an actual human, and this time was no exception. The songs starts out timid and calm with a classic-ish sound, but be warned that in the middle it gets quite loud with the hard rock instrumental section.

The song ends with a simple, final and sad message of what we humans result in with our actions, so often affecting everything else. Not that a robot or program can teach us anything about ourselves, no matter how nice it sounds.

But as before I had fun with this attempt, and zoomed into the little imperfections of the stock Lucy vocals. It took a lot of work and many polishing attempts to get to this point, from bringing out subtle mouth noises, to pitch bends and EQs to make it sound as natural as possible.

No, there is no chance in hell I'll trade Lucy for real vocals ever, but I think this is still quite impressive. The world is moving forward and these toys are getting better and better, and I believe there will be a time when most of us will not be able to tell if it was a real singer or faked. But we are not there yet.

Listen to it here: EmVoice Lucy - Lost It All

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